AB 2917 (Zbur) – Request For Veto

September 3, 2024 –

Dear Governor Newsom:

I am writing to request your veto of Assemblymember Rick Zbur’s AB 2917, which pertains to Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GRVO/Red Flag Laws).  It seeks to expand the conditions under which such an order is issued to include consideration of certain threats or acts of violence directed toward another group or location.

Currently, what is considered “violent speech” is markedly subjective – particularly when it pertains to “political” agendas.  Although late-in session amendments modified the more extreme provisions of the bill, it’s still important to remember that the 1st Amendment protects freedom of speech, even if it is obnoxious – by anyone’s standards.  Further, according to the most recent decision by the Supreme Court in the Rahimi case, a judge can issue a restraining order after a court finding that justifies the issuance of the order. A court finding requires input from both the accused and the accuser – something currently absent from present GVRO laws. The violation of a person’s 1st, 4th, 5th and 14th Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution does not justify the government’s ability to remove a person’s 2nd Amendment rights.

I believe that plague of criminal misuse of firearms can be solidly addressed without penalizing the lawful for the misdeeds of the unlawful – it will never have its anticipated resolution.  I therefore respectfully request your veto of AB 2917.


Sam Paredes



Sam Paredes, Executive Director