Let the Anointing of Kamala Harris Begin

The Revision of History Has Begun!

LET THE ANOINTING BEGIN!  One of the things that GOC detests about the Left and their buddies in the corporate media is that they think we are idiots.  They honestly believe their razzle-dazzle will trigger a sudden loss of brainpower and we’ll forget that we know exactly what Kamala Harris is: a hard Leftist whose singular goal is to re-write the Constitution.  No amount of political makeup can cover up her disdain for the Second Amendment, not to mention the security of our nation. We have more than enough information on this below!

And check out Cam Edward’s interview with GOC’s Sam Paredes on Cam and Company – they break down Harris’ dreadful record when she served as California’s Attorney General and her stint as a US Senator.  In fact, GovTrack.us, a nonpartisan Congress tracker, rated Harris the most liberal senator in 2019, but SHOCKER – their page has been scrubbedLike we said, the anointing and the great re-write of history has begun in earnest.

Kamala Harris’ Long History of Anti-2A Activism | YouTube
Give a listen to GOC’s Sam Paredes on the terrific Cam Edwards show.After Attempted Assassination of Trump, Democrats Solution is…Ban Guns | AmmoLand
And there’s even a VIDEO on this.

Dems Learned Wrong Lesson From the Attempted Trump Assassination | Townhall
Simply put, Democrats are morons for reacting this way to an assassination attempt on Trump.

No Surprise–Kamala Harris wants to DISARM Americans | GOA You Tube
We must ensure she does not get elected.

VP Harris Owns Biden Admin’s Firearm Industry Hostilities | NSSF
She has declared war on the gun industry and now it’s time to fight back.

Why Corporate Media Salivates VP Harris’ Radical Anti-Gun Views | AmmoLand
Because they love anyone who violates people’s basic civil rights.

If Harris Picks Kelly for VP, Reps Need to Follow the Money | AmmoLand
Always follow the money.  Always.

Harris Takes Over Dem Ticket, Moving Party Left on Guns | The Reload
Read more about Kamala’s extreme anti-2A stance.

Gun-Control Groups Retake Political Fundraising Lead | The Reload
Anti-Gunners are licking their chops with Harris as the Democratic nominee.

Judge Vacates ATF Rule: Forced Reset Triggers Not ‘Machineguns’ | Breitbart
Victory! GOC applauds this ruling.

California Handgun Roster | NSSF Fast Facts
Great fact sheet about the CA handgun roster.

Abolish the ATF | GOA
Any agency that functions outside their legal role must go.

Muzzled: Competitive Shooters Silenced on FB, Instagram | Bearing Arms
Big techs’ war on the 2A causes them to violate the First Amendment as well.