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Dedicated to the unequivocal defense of the 2nd Amendment, and America’s extraordinary heritage of firearm ownership.
A recent court victory has just busted the door open for out of state residents to snag a California CCW – all thanks to a lawsuit filed jointly by GOC…
In December of 2019, Gun Owners of California posted the Christmas Truce of 1914, which describes an amazing event along the Western Front during the clashing of World War I…
Current News
Get this bit of scandalous CCW news: if you’ve applied for a CCW in recent years with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department (LASD), there’s a good chance they illegally snooped into…
Federal Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act 2 bills in Congress have been introduced concurrently that would grant national reciprocity to concealed carry permit holders who cross state lines that are…
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