SB 53 (Portantino) – Opposition Letter
March 18, 2024 – Dear Senator Portantino: I am writing in strong opposition to your SB 53, which prohibits anyone from keeping a firearm in their home unless it is stored in a Department of Justice approved firearm safety device. As you are no doubt aware, the 2008 Heller v. Washington DC decision by the…
VETO Request – Multiple Bills
September 20, 2023 The Honorable Gavin Newsom State Capitol Sacramento, California 95814 RE: REQUEST FOR VETOS Dear Governor Newsom: Gun Owners of California is writing to respectfully request your veto of the following bills: AB 574: This legislation unnecessarily mandates that gun buyers verify on the Dealer Record of Sale that all firearms…
SB 452 – VETO
September 20, 2023 The Honorable Gavin Newsom State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: SB 452| Microstamping | REQUEST FOR VETO Dear Governor Newsom: Gun Owners of California is writing to respectfully request your veto of SB 452, which would prohibit a licensed firearms dealer from selling, offering for sale (or exchanging, giving, transferring, or delivering)…