Biden: Who Needs 100 Rounds? WE KNOW WHO and Other 2A News
This past week, when speaking at the Human Rights Campaign dinner, our President once again stuck his foot firmly in his mouth when he said “Who in God’s name needs a weapon with 100 rounds in the chamber?”
Well, we can certainly think of a few thousand people for whom a weapon with 100 rounds would have been quite helpful recently – given the ghastly slaughter of entire families in Israel. TONE DEAF doesn’t even come close to what President Biden said. This is stunningly ignorant. Read more about his comments below.
That being said, we’ve reprinted an exclusive piece from the Daily Caller written by GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs on the fact that Israel needs a Second Amendment. Since the comments by our “enlightened” president were like a relative kick in the gut, this piece hits home in a big way. Check it out HERE.
And while you are at it, read up HERE on how the ATF is attempting to silence our sister organization, Gun Owners of America. They don’t like the fact that GOA has documents that show ATF was involved in a warrantless surveillance program. This is crazy stuff and we need to understand what’s happening in our government – we must be ARMED AND INFORMED, so do GOC a solid and pass on our emails to friend and family, and JOIN US IN OUR FIGHT FOR THE SECOND AMENDMENT! ATF Attempts to Silence GOA! | Ammoland Joe Biden: His Ignorance on Guns Continues to Blow Minds | Breitbart Newsom Approves Skittles Ban While Crime/Drugs Take Over CA Cities | CA Globe Israel’s Bold Move: Empowering Civilians with 10,000 Rifles! | AmmoLand Israel Loosens Strict Gun Control Laws To Arm ‘As Many Citizens As Possible’ | The Federalist Judge Officially Dismisses Previous Gun Charge Against Hunter Biden | Breitbart 9th Circuit Decision: Still Playing Games With Our Fundamental Rights | Bearing Arms 9th Circuit Court Stays Lower Court Ruling; Bans ‘High’ Cap Mags in CA | RedState Fraudulent COVID Claims Fueled Black Market Gun Trade | NSSF Grassley to ATF: Explain Focus on Gun Owners …. | AmmoLand You Must Have the Means for Self-Defense | Townhall Showdown Over Max Capacity Magazines | Ammoland