Just last week, an 80-year-old store owner took matters into his own hands when surveillance cameras showed that four armed and masked men were getting ready to enter his place of business. He moved tactically around the counter, grabbed his shotgun and as the first robber walked in aiming a rifle, the store owner fired. This sent the thieves scampering out of the store, one of whom can be heard screaming on video footage “He shot my arm off!” Watch the incredible video below – and notice the response of the customers: everyone interviewed hailed the store owner as brave and well within his rights to defend his property. Just what the media doesn’t want to hear about – another good guy with a gun!
The Legislature is one week into their final month of session – this week, the following bills will come before the Legislature’s fiscal committees: AB 1227 (Levine/firearms excise tax) will be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee and SB 505 (Skinner/Firearm Civil Liability) and SB 918 (Portantino/ restrictive CCW regulations) will come before Assembly Appropriations. AB 2552 (McCarty/mandated gun show notices) is still eligible to be voted on by the full Senate and SB 1384 (Min/mandated gun store video surveillance systems) can be voted on by the full Assembly. Even though the Left has an iron grip on both houses of the Legislature, we are strongly encouraging you to contact your legislator to express your opposition to these bills. We’ve made it easy for you with GOC’s Legislative Action Center. You can follow along with the bills we are opposing HERE AND now you can directly communicate with your legislator from our website HERE. We have sample messages and there is also the option to create your own email.
The Legislature believes the LIES of the media that support for gun control outweighs the rights of Californians – and this is not true. Please make your views known to those in power and encourage your family and friends to do the same. JOIN US IN THIS FIGHT!
Elderly Store Owner Opens Fire On Would-Be Robber In Norco | FOX LA
WATCH! “He shot my arm off!” but customers applaud owner’s actions.
Desperate California Anti-Gunners Wreck Junior Shooter Clubs | Reason
This is not only desperate but disgusting as well.
Youth Shooting Leagues Suspended Thanks To California Gun Law | Bearing Arms
This is criminal; GOC has joined legal efforts to put an end to this terrible law.
Despite Strict Gun Control, CA Had Most Active Shooter Incidents in ’21 | Zero Hedge
How’s that gun control working?
Watch GOA’s Antonia Okafor-Cover Speak Before Congress | CSpan
…“the 2A’s primary focus is not about hunting; it was put into the Constitution as protection of the people against an oppressive government.”
FBI Whistleblower LEAKS Bureau’s ‘Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide’ | Project Veritas
And it’s no surprise that supporting the 2A is on their list.
What the Media Gets Wrong About Guns & Armed Defense | Ammoland
“They are not getting these things wrong by accident.”
Freedom: What the Bruen Ruling Portends For Anti-Gun States | The Truth About Guns
This is very relevant for us here in California.
Supreme Court Win For 2A Opens Other Gun Control Laws to Scrutiny | The Truth About Guns
Many federal and state laws should and will be struck down… stay tuned!
Law-Abiding Gun Owners Will Not Harm You. But Criminals Will | Townhall
That’s because they’re law-abiding!
The Immediate Consequences of the Dems’ Anti-Gun Bill | Townhall
Democrats have always been the very best “gun” salespeople.
60 Percent of Centerfire Rifle Hunters Use AR/AK-Platform | Breitbart
Contrary to media reports, Modern Sporting Rifles are common for self-defense.
North Carolina County Adds AR-15s to Schools for Classroom Defense | Breitbart
Good for them!
Which Anti-Gun Bill Will Be Next To Go? | The Federalist
In the aftermath of Bruen decision, unconstitutional laws should fall like dominoes.
AP Declares “Open Season” on Gun Laws | Bearing Arms
The Bruen decision “threatens to upend firearms restrictions across the country…”
Leaked ATF Resignation Letter Shows Frustration Over Politicization | Ammoland
Agent says ATF goes after people based on their politics.
July 2022 NICS Data Is In, And . . . | The Truth About Guns
We’re still buying lots of guns. |