What is Project Protect?

Key Points
GOC has long been a resource for individual gun owners and policy leaders throughout the state, and we want to do the same for you and your clients.
We are the oldest, grassroots 2A political action committee in the USA!
You can help GOC grow and increase your visibility in the 2A community.
Project Protect is a collaborative effort between GOC and the concealed carry instructors community in CA to share information, news and mutually beneficial opportunities to work together. CCW instructors are the backbone and lifeblood of the right to carry in California and have been a chief target of politicians who want to restrict concealed carry.
Why Partner with GOC?
Because gun ownership is growing in California - between January 2024 and July 2024, Californians have purchased over 340,000 guns – and in 2023, gun purchases totaled over 1,043,000. There are over 3.3 million adult gun owners in the Golden State, which means there are literally millions upon millions of guns in California homes. Your industry is primed for tremendous growth. This scares the anti-gun left which is why they are working overtime to kill any ability for lawful Californians to concealed carry and why we are working overtime to protect that right.

What’s the Benefit of Joining Project Protect?
First and foremost, we field calls daily on firearms law (what is legal and what is not) as well as questions on where to go to get training. GOC serves as a huge resource to our membership, policy makers and leaders in the state, and people count on GOC because we are at the tip of the spear when it comes to what’s happening with the Second Amendment in California and across the nation.
- Your logo, website and business details will be prominently listed on our Concealed Carry Trainer page for your region, as well as in the statewide database posted on our site, which is reported by county.
- Access to the most direct source of 2A news in the state
- Personal invite to the annual Concealed Carry Conference which includes representatives from law enforcement throughout the state.
- Regular updates on legislation, regulations, court cases, and advocacy efforts
- Exclusive discounts on GOC merchandise
- Discounts on GOC’s Official Partners (Next Threat Solutions, Gideon Optics, etc.)
Why Stay Current on the Law?
We need to know the law because it keeps us all out of trouble. It also enables us – and you – to mobilize when the Legislature takes aim at your right to possess firearms AND to conduct business in California. It is no secret that the powers that be in Sacramento want to ban the carrying of firearms, which was the entire impetus behind SB 2 (Portantino/Statutes of 2023). With the new teaching eligibility restrictions as a result of this bill, (effective January 2024), we know the goal of the anti-gun Legislature was to cut the CCW instructor industry off at the knees. This is why we need to work together and be ARMED AND INFORMED!
Legislative Advocacy

Partnering with GOC provides a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of legislative advocacy, and by joining us, trainers will have the ability to directly impact the policies that shape your profession.
- We have printable posters, downloadable banners for legislation, elections, and other alerts that can be provided to your students and clients.
- We have fact sheets to help with any questions and comments you may encounter. If you have questions regarding a bill that has been introduced or passed, do not hesitate to call our office at (916) 984-1400.
Tips on Speaking Out and Talking to the Media
Tips, Tricks, and Tools of the Trade: We have a great cache of trips, tricks and tools of the trade, in case a situation arises where you need to answer media calls or participate in an interview. (Assistance and preparation also available)
GOC History & Mission
GOC has been fighting to protect the Second Amendment for 50 years - we leave no stone unturned when it comes to battling the anti-gun Left. One of GOC's primary purposes is to lobby the legislature regarding legislation that affects the Second Amendment, including but not limited to firearms, ammunition, and concealed carry laws. We are a 501(c) 4, which allows us to use the contributions we receive for political purposes. To read our full Mission Statement,
How you can Help?

MATERIAL DISTRIBUTION: You can help spread the word about who we are and what we are doing to defend the Second Amendment.
- Include a GOC coupon with each course you offer.
- Post our Quarterly Newsletters and Action Alerts for your customers to see and share our updates on new and current laws that affect Concealed Carry. Help us help your students by pointing them to us, so we can inform them on how to use their voice and be heard.
You arm them, we inform them.
Product Donations
GOC holds fundraising events throughout the year to raise funds to enable us to continue lobbying at the Capitol, participating in court cases around the country, and getting involved in the elections. By contributing products or training classes, you can help lower our overhead costs and raise more money to increase our impact.