Writing your Legislators

Send your letter in time to affect the official’s decision. DON’T PUT IT OFF!
Make sure your letter can be easily read. (Type, or write clearly by hand.)

Use your own words to get your message across. Don’t copy a form letter, or even parts of one. If you make the letter entirely your own, your thoughts and convictions will show your sincerity and concern.

Sign your full name and address so the legislator or other government official can reply to you.

Make your position clear. Say exactly what it is you wish the government official to do. If possible, refer to the issue you’re writing about by its official title such as “AB 123”, or “Firearms: conceal carry”. Write about only one proposed law (bill) or issue in each letter.

Give your own personal experience to support your request. Tell briefly how the issue will affect you, your family, your community, your state, etc.
Ask the official to state his/her position on the issue in a reply to you.

Address the government official correctly:

The Honorable (name of official) State Senator (or, State Assemblymember) (or, Governor of California)
State Capitol

Sacramento, CA 95814 Your letter should begin:

Dear Assemblymember (or Senator) (or Assemblymember) (last name):
Appointed officials are also addressed as “The Honorable ____________”,

with “Mr. or Ms.” as the correct title.

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